Garbage Week

Article 08 - May 10, 2016

I absolutely hate weeks like this one.

With a passion, of course. Because this week is one of the biggest wastes of time I have personally experienced. 

I’m already a few paragraphs behind in my projects, we’re rushing through the curriculum to even fit everything in for the finals, and practically no one has the heart for any type of day off.

I get hit with a stupid field trip. Not just any field trip— A trip to the beach. To pick up the bull other people have left behind.

This week I already have Monday for my Physics quiz, Tuesday was double-booked for both the Liberal class and Language bonus sessions (which was thankfully canceled by a fellow friendly storm who had decided that I have had enough for this and left me with a canceled school day), Thursday will be another bonus session, and Friday will be superseded by the retarded Saturday 9-to-5-workplace-like marathon of a single Physics class.

What. Human cannot possibly concentrate for eight hours straight. And with a pool tournament coming up, you are drilling through my weekend for some stupid garbage that I probably won’t use in real life. At least so far.

I would kill the person who made up this dumb engagement for tomorrow. Okay, maybe not, I might be arrested for making a criminal threat.

Yes, it is Tuesday when I’m typing this. 

But you get my point?

I’m not being paid, I’m not representing any sort of worthy charity, the garbage I’m supposed to clear should be done by the jerks themselves who left the trash there, and I have to stand in the sun for hours on end, all while I’m the kind of guy who hates the idea of getting a tan. And the worse part is, you are carving out valuable time in which I could have actually accomplished something, for god’s sake!

I came to the realization a few minutes ago that the planning guys most likely never communicated with the curriculum guys. While the teachers are having fun during summer break, the planning guys works off their asses to complete the timetables, order random supplies, and arrange any meetings to be held later in the year. But as soon as the first bell in the year hits, they would start ordering dozen of pizzas and wings, and clog up the teacher’s lounge during the day like the oily cholesterol in the arteries right now from eating so much junk.

You might think that the planning guys rightfully earned their breaks by the work before the year.
But even then, they failed at their own jobs.

Physics classes on Tuesday and Friday now eat into my lunch break like some cruel, ironic wordplay. The only time when a student is expected to relax is taken away. 

And those double sessions I’m talking about? Another crap plan. Forty minutes, times six per week, times thirty weeks, in not remotely enough time for anything.

I can’t even do my own share of things properly, so don’t give those punks on the beach any free pass for not doing theirs.