Branding Guidelines
Part of the charm of Yellow Optic is its design. By respecting these guidelines, you can help preserve the unique aura that Yellow Optic provides for everyone that enjoys it.
The Yellow Optic journey begins with the eyes. The fundamental Optic elements are crucial to ensure a consistent experience for the audience, from one medium to the next.
The Shadow Logo
Always show as most of the Shadow logo as the profile picture or header allows - Never attempt to contort, transform, discolor, crop, or pixelate
Unless the Shadow logo is situated near a mandatory profile name header, there is no need to self-establish the namemark Yellow Optic next to it. The logo stands on its own.
Respect For Color
In Yellow Optic thematic sites and promotional material, always observe the Optic Colors, and apply it to all accented elements that will reflect the theme.
Never attempt to use a color that is not part of the Optic Colors on an official accent - Buttons, logos, custom colors - that may compromise the Optic brand. Yellow Optic is intrinsically linked to color, so providing the right color helps the audience establish a link from the product to the brand itself.
Alignment for Clarity
Many objects and supporting elements have to be perfectly aligned for good visuals.
The Shadow icon will always be at the top-left, with a comfortable air buffer equidistant. The poster text follow the same guideline, but at the bottom-right.
The Optic Colors
Never deviate from this palette in any official Optic theme, accent, or promotional material that does not require alien color schemes.
When possible, always use the colors from the top row. The second row should only be used to establish sufficient contrast.
Optic Yellow
230-220-57 or #E6DC39
Shadow Yellow
189-179-21 or #BDB315
255-255-255 or #FFFFFF
Neutral Gray
160-160-160 or #A0A0A0
Dark Gray
55-55-55 or #373737
0-0-0 or #000000
Contrast Blue
43-114-255 or #2B72FF
Shadow Blue
43-28-240 or #2B1CF0
Brand and Product Names
All necessary capital letters in a mixed-case setting with be rendered in bold.
The brand name is Yellow Optic, and if a short form is best utilized in a scenario, use Optic.
The icon logo's official name is Shadow (or referred to in a self-contained way as the Shadow Logo), and the glyph in the center with the two circles is named the Eye of the Optic.
Titles like Fool Me Twice, Blue Days, and names like Kayla Ferrule, Irene Walker should observe standard capitalization rules.
Features and specialties for Yellow Optic, such as Character Portraits and Dark Mode, that are officially marketed with that term, should capitalize their first letter in each word in accordance to their official renderings.
Special titles and allusions, such as Red Check for the Kayla Ferrule character, will observe the same rules. However, vague descriptors like the diary, or the boyfriend of the girl in purple, need not be specially capitalized.
As Yellow Optic is an identity mostly through text, the lexicon used to promote Optic needs to be carefully considered.
Syntax Rules
All brackets and quotation marks carry their exact contents, and never to drag in a punctuation mark.
DO NOT USE Kayla's speech on the "people that bugged her," while interesting, is kind of petty (though we would think otherwise.)
INSTEAD USE Kayla's speech on the "people that bugged her", while interesting, is kind of petty (though we would think otherwise).
Only quotes and implications may be placed in quotation marks. Titles and feature names should never use them, and instead follow only proper noun capitalization rules without italics.
Sarcasm should either be rendered with an underline or be italicized.
Fool Me Twice goes free this week. "Hell of a book," they say. Though we do beg to differ.
General language
The text should be primarily in English, if it's rendered for an English-speaking audience. Layman-accessible non-formal words are permitted.
Complex words can be used, but it is advised for it to be replaced by a simpler word aiding in the audience's understanding, and if that is not possible, complemented by a phrase similar in meaning to it.
The tone should not be overly playful and loose, and should attempt to clearly deliver the message to a wide audience.
DO NOT USE "The biannual arcane lexicana exposition is upon us."
INSTEAD USE "The biannual lesser-known hard word lexicana expo is almost here. Only once every two years."
DO NOT USE "OMG I can't believe it, Alex actually did it!!!!!"
INSTEAD USE "It was kinda crazy that Alex actually did it."
Artistic words can be kept, but be reminded that text should be concise, simple, and to deliver as much message as you can with as little text as needed.
Special Case Renderings and Capitalizations
Pay attention to Yellow Optic's capitalization. Normal grammatical capitalization rules apply, but with slight variations.
This applies to mixed-case textual delivery scenarios.
Examples - Bold indicates capitals that must be present
Yellow Optic - The brand name observes standard case-type
Eye of the Optic - The name of the glyph in the center of the Shadow logo, or as a standalone representative glyph where the Shadow logo usually would be
Shadow - A specialized name, thus it must be capitalized within text.
Kayla Ferrule - Standard name format
Coast To Coast - All first letters in titles must be capitalized, regardless if they are junction words that normally need not be uppercase.
Red Check - Items like Kayla's shirt choice that has been rendered flagship, and used to allude to Kayla herself
The Ferrule Mansion - Locales where the introductory "the" is not integral
The film on her arm and The Film device that has been stuck onto her arm - Contextual capitalizations, the variant on the right refers to the product name of the device
Perhaps the biggest defining element for Yellow Optic is its logo. With a color being integral to the Optic brand, it is important to understand the proper colors to be used to obtain the purest Optic Yellow for a consistent design.
The Design
The Yellow Optic logo began with a 2048 x 2048 square canvas.
An invisible line bisected the square diagonally, and the right side is defined as a shade, darker than the left.
The Eye of the Optic is created, with the outer rim placed at center, and an inner pupil to the bottom-left, with its arc crossing into the rim, and intersecting the center.
A second mask to define the white Eye is created, and applied.
Finally, a rounded corner completes this simple design.
A square canvas is used. Here, a line is drawn, forming the two basic sides of the logo.
Two circles that would later comprise the Eye of the Optic is drawn. The larger rim is centered, and the pupil defined.
The two whites are drawn, using the same guidelines that defined the yellows. These colors would be masked to the Eye.
The alignment made during the creation of the two whites makes the masking one of the final steps as the lines are continuous.
The Corner
The Yellow Optic logo uses a rounded corner design.
Built upon the visual communication that Optic is technology-oriented, rounded corners are used to please the eyes and emulate the design of a standard app icon.
If you need to crop down the Optic logo from its square form, choose a circular rounded corner design, and adjust its radius to 15%.
The Colors
The Yellow Optic colors are used to composite the logo. The Shade colors allow a simple shadow effect to be created, and adds flair to an otherwise flat design.
A - Optic Yellow 230-220-57 #E6DC39
B - Shadow Yellow 189-179-21 #BDB315
C - White 255-255-255 #FFFFFF
D - Neutral Gray 160-160-160 #A0A0A0
The Schematics
Exact sizing is vital for the authenticity of the Optic brand.
Precise element placement is essential to establish a strong product image that is perfectly reliable on every sighting of the Optic logo.
Not one detail is too minor.