Huge Announcement: On Their Territory

Originally planned to pen this on February 29, 2024 - the real launch date of On Their Territory, but I’m swamped with actually writing and other life projects, so this will have to do, rip.

What is this?

So here’s the thing, I wrote Blue Days as a first part of a larger story, but it’s its own little story, so I finished that with the expectation I’m writing a sequel.

Well, the scope just got larger, and larger… until I have an entire epic drafted out. This happened slowly, built itself slowly over the process of four years. I started thinking immediately as the Blue Days final draft was sent into print. And now we are here, another leap year, another big project. The world that ended up being pictured was just giant. So we are gonna need some time.

And I have to re-configure Blue Days to do it, including some edits.

So here’s that’s happening - Blue Days will ascend as only Part 1 of a major series called On Their Territory.

Free to read on my site. I just wanna share this around.

I wrote a blurb for this series:

”Over this series, witness the unrest caused by the political, social, and economical struggles in an evolved future California in the late-21st century, marred by high unemployment, eminent domain, and gradual erosion of rights on a national level.

See the rise of the pro-localist, pro-independence, and pro-citizens’ rights and welfare Bearist Association of California in the public’s consciousness, against the aggressive and terroristic actions by a loose pro-federal group of Unionists as they try to force the state to remain in the Union.

Experience the rapid changes in Californian society as the United States nears the presidential election to decide whether to re-elect the hardline nationalist Johnson Administration.

Live through the comprehensive revolution of the lives of ordinary Californians — from the eyes of a handful of working-class Californians simply trying to survive in their rapidly-changing home state.”

So how will this work?

As a result, we are gonna tell this story as a timeline. As a chronological sequence of events that gives it almost a documentary timeline quality. Because I want to give it a realistic feel.

The story of Blue Days, with some key adjustments to make this concept work, will be SPLIT into two parts - June and the first half of July 2096, as is the time setting of the original story. Chapters are further broken up into scenes - about a third of a chapter long, or 1000 words each - so while June is 16 scenes long, it’s really about 5 or 6 original Blue Days chapters long.

The sequel, as it was originally planned, would encompass the second half of July, and the rest of the year of 2096. This will be Act One.

Yep. Just Act One. I project a word count in the six digits. Any fewer and the world I want to create and build simply wouldn’t work. Not detailed enough otherwise.

I have already uploaded June on the On Their Territory page, so go there and read that.

July is MASSIVE, encompassing easily 33,000 words, and will need some time just to upload. Probably going up in the Month of May. It’s 33 different scenes all with their own subset, and formatting, and all that.

Thank the website builder for this weird arrangement.

And then as I go further, each timescale (not always per month), will be uploaded as a batch.

So these batches will go up here on the Yellow Optic website first, and then maybe on some writing sites a little later that I squatted my name with. Cool.

What about Kayla and Miles?

Bruh, literally my last major project was a visual novel called Ferrule Instincts I put up on Steam. We will be fine.

But seriously, I’m hoping to finish off the year 2096 of On Their Territory, aka Act One, and then freshen up Fool Me Twice. You may notice Fool Me Twice is a little different from Ferrule Instincts, so some tweaks to that as well. I wrote that back in 2015, holy cow. Some of it I want written slightly differently, and that was what is in Ferrule Instincts.

Probably will do the “Scenes instead of Chapters” idea, because I like my story points finer. I’ve always loved Kayla and Miles, they are both very cute and wholesome and I do take vacations from Yellow Optic California — even though I’m just consumed by California under Bearism for the past four years and I can’t wait to realize it all.

But yes, probably the same re-adjustment of Fool Me Twice, and the sequel I have in mind. Probably end of this year, most likely early to mid-2025? I do have graduate school to take care of, and I hope to finish off On Their Territory Act One this summer, and slowly upload them over the year. Because I’m lazy and this website builder is weird and tough to use at times.

Anything else?

Nah, as I’m writing this very very long blog post, all I’m thinking was how much I wanted to return to Yellow Optic work. Well, I guess this IS Yellow Optic work, but you know what I really meant.

I’m behind on uploading July 2096 of the series as it is, it’s all done but i’m just lazy, so I actually will have to go do that now, rip.

Anyway, here’s another On Their Territory link for your convenience. Talk soon.

New Look For The New Year

Hi there - so you might have noticed that the site has been slightly redesigned for the new year.

Some previous versions of pages are kinda weird and nonsensical and is kinda outdated - well, they all have a unified look, and actually a description that better describes things.

I think there’s quite the collection of this site’s history on the Wayback Machine is nostalgia is in order.

Anyway, hope to make a few more tweaks over the following week.

Ferrule Instincts is here!

After two-plus years of work, finally it’s here!

Ferrule Instincts is now available on Steam, and boy, has it been a ride. Nenetl, who you may recognize as the artist who created the artwork for Yellow Optic over the past four years, has been secretly working along to help deliver this new experience.

Check out the Ferrule Instincts page, and the Steam Store page!

Can’t wait for everyone to try it out. A single purchase works on all compatible signed-in Mac, PC, and Linux machines.

Let us know how you liked it!

If you're wondering where I've been for the past two years...

I can’t be happier to finally tell you about it!

Ferrule Instincts is a visual novel project based on Fool Me Twice and after so many months of having to keep it secret, it’s finally out in the open!

You can check out the special Ferrule Instincts site to learn more.

Or you can go right to Steam to check out the title!

That’s right! It will be on Steam! When? On Kayla’s birthday of course! August 12!

More details to come.

A look at Series 2020

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So by now you’ve seen all the updates to Series 2020 on Twitter - If not, check out my Twitter, and come back.

But I do want to take a slightly closer look here. So Series 2020 features better hair and better eyes for the characters, with a bolder color choice, and everything is just better.

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So alongside the optimized characters, some nice new art as well.

Get all of this at DLC.

An Urgently Needed Update

It’s been over half a year since I’ve written in a Log, but have no fear, I haven’t stopped working.

A minor blessing is my Twitter page is really active recently, and the fact that I put my Twitter on here should be a nice indication that I have not disappeared.

I’m working on quite a lot of content recently and unfortunately, that means less things for the site at the moment. I haven’t been able to offer up content for the site, but I promise more is coming soon.

The coronavirus is also a raging factor and six months in and being crazily snowed in, has canceled my Book Fair Engagement and kinda put a dagger in a lot of life plans. But that force of habit has been corrected as I’ve settled in.

So expect more updates in the coming weeks. If nothing else, keep it checked on Twitter.

Print and Pitch

Happy 2020 - This year will surely be a big one for me. An update on the Log first - It used to be a bit of a changelog, but I’m changing the format somewhat— This will be longer summaries of exactly what I have been doing for the past x amount of time from the last Log post, hopefully with a ton more images and clips so it will show the inner workings a little more.

Hopefully you people don’t mind - I’ve had fun in this new format and it just seemed to be a better use of this space than just spazzing lines. So this explains the long absences. If you have to read, I better make it worth your while.

I’ll also make up section titles so you won’t get lost. Think of it as a textual transition card.

Strap in, because this first Log of the year 2020 will be a long one. Grab some hot cocoa, and ask TTS to read this for you maybe.


Rolling Off The Press

The paperback edition of Blue Days is rolling off the presses, and I couldn’t be happier to receive closure for something that I myself and my publisher have worked on for around three years. It really is a culmination of rewriting, rethinking, and redeveloping the story, the characters, and the setting itself. While I would be lying to you if I say that I absolutely did not procrastinate, the time off really gave headspace for these redrawn ideas where I couldn’t develop in a more rushed timeframe.

That extra time also gave rise to simply better ideas and results in general, like the new art style with Nenetl (click her name to get to her Twitter), wouldn’t have come to pass and be printed on the page if I had worked faster. And I think you’ll personally agree with me that this is more advanced, both in the craft and the dimension. Her art really gives depth, literally and more figuratively, to the world I’m trying to create.

It’s frankly exhilarating to see something full-color and replicated in a pixel-perfect setting be replicated with ink and paper and in a lesser color depth more suited to a book. And it works! I couldn’t be more than happy on how well it transitioned, beyond my wildest dreams.

Blue Days will be arriving in bookstores in like a day or two. Send me photos of you picking up your copy if you see one lying on a shelf somewhere.


The Red, White, and Blue, and Yellow

Some change of plans are in order. Forgive me for not delving into too much detail, but I read somewhere that disclose your goals produces a similar satisfaction in your head, so if I talk about it here, you’ll never see the finished product.

What essentially is the “change of plans” I have mentioned is that I’m developing a trilogy for both titles. I already know what the endings are to both trilogies, and of course, these books will take off in completely different directions. I just love the idea of new characters and settings while still featuring the core cast that goes off and on as the plot comes for every character. I just couldn’t say goodbye to Kayla and Alex after just a single title, so it’s probably better for me and for you, that they’ll still star in their series. New choices, new decisions, and a new interpretation to their personalities are in order. Can’t wait.

And since Yellow Optic is in the business of selling characters, they’ll have a longer shelf life. The crossover series like Mixed Nuts is right now will be like an All-Star Game with its own storyline so everything is terrible with quantum entanglement or something far and away like that

Finally, I’m stamping my logo on everything (see photo) so Blue Days is stuck onto this brand like honey. Should have done that for Fool Me Twice, but back in 2016 I didn’t have this intuition. Better late than never, I guess.

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Optically Market Everything

I’m a Marketing student, and with what little resources I have, I managed to cobble some marketing together. So that’s alright. I won’t delude myself to claim in any degree that this is anywhere close to being sufficient for the scale of operation I’m aiming for, but this is a good start. There’s a stable amount of people reading and perusing the sites and social media, and I’m hoping to build on top of that.

I finally concocted the Union color - Union being a romantic union and its color is somewhere between Alex’s blue and Angel’s purple. Of course all three swatches will be in an internal reference guide, but since this brand is all about color, the marketing has to reflect that. It looks cool, and Jan 1 does need something to mark the occasion Futuristic-sounding year for a story years in the future.

Also I’ve been watching a LOT of baseball, and this is basically the only time I can do some wordplay on “two out”, so here it is. I don’t know exactly how much people will appreciate it, but it’s good to me. Two teams. Two out. The 1-2 is the date when the first books are off the press while also working in the baseball metaphor for “one ball, two strikes”. And the 12 and 9 are birthdays and two on and all the baseball.

I’ll stop inundating you with this now, but all I want is more stuff to work with.

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An Idea

Finally we arrive at the Pitch part of the Log,

Ultimately I want Yellow Optic to be a business. I dream of a day where I’m able to feed myself and my family and my spending habits with something that I love. And of course, you can’t eat your dreams, so business it is.

Coming up in March will be five years of Optic, and I hope to expand on top of what I have right now. Honestly, I’m stymied by the resources right now, and I haven’t been able to realize my entire vision. Hopefully with a bit more capital, I could make it happen. And I’ve researched and now basically the budget, the return, and what I’ll be promoting and doing.

Of course, all of this will be under wraps because of the “saying your goals out loud” thing, but also because it’s a trade secret that I would rather not put out there right now. What you’re seeing is the title card of the pitch keynote file, and I’ll be working on that in parallel with the other Optic things in the pipeline.

All I could say with investors is that there will be more of what you love and if all goes well, more people too. I’ll finally be able to do what I wanted to do for the longest time, and in ways I have envisioned. It will be important to get this plan down right, so it will take a couple more weeks.

So yeah that’s basically all for the Optic Update in January 2019. Can’t believe it’s already twelve days into the new year when it really feels like much less. Maybe I’m getting old. Anyway, enjoy what you’re doing in the meantime, and I’ll see you soon.

Full Blue

I’m back! You missed me?

Sure you have, I haven’t even updated the Log as much as I have wanted.
Please read for updates on Blue Days.

Blue Days is finally arriving in paperback! This final version of course, have some edits that made the book much, much better.

A new piece by Nenetl for Blue Days as the project reaches its final crescendo, and a redesigned Blue Days page, at last.

Can’t wait for all of you to read about the battle between the Californian independence-seeking Bearists, and the Federal unity-seeking Unionists, of course. Of course the page will have much more detail so this Log will be brief.

I have been working my butt off for the past 3.5 years to finally make this something worthy of the Yellow Optic brand. Can’t wait for you guys to see it!

It’s 3:30 am right now so I might wake up and edit this a little. The Log is always a little more personal, good contrast against the rest of the site.


What So Proudly We Hailed


Happy Fourth of July! For you non-Americans out there, it’s our Independence Day today!

Here are some American facts:

Did you know that Kayla’s check shirt is a hidden reference to the thirteen stripes on the American flag? Her red base with six white stripes cuts it into thirteen alternating stripes. Seven red, and six white. We’ve highlighted them for you.

Alex Fritz is of German descent. Angel Vernon is of English descent. They are the two largest immigrant groups to the United States.

Angel’s last name is a reference to George Washington’s resting place.
He died in 1799 in Vernon Hills, Virginia.

That’s enough talking. Enjoy the barbecue and the fireworks!
Ignore the irony that our artist is British and she had to create something in honor of our rebellion and breakaway from Great Britain. Oops.

Radical Everything

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Today is one of the biggest-ever updates to Yellow Optic itself as a whole.

The reception to Yellow Optic has been incredible over the years, and it is incredibly hard to nail down a new design that embraces the future. It shouldn’t just be a new design, it should be a much better design.

The collaboration with Nenetl had been truly electrifying. We began all of this work back in 2018, and we are so relieved to finally be able to show it with you.

Three years the massive difference.

Three years the massive difference.


How do you make something entirely new yet utterly familiar? We took deep dives into the minute details of every character - the exact colors of the buttons on dress shirts, the exact folds that comprise the sleeves of Luna’s uniform, the exact build and curves that truly fit the character as a living, breathing person, and the exact models of watches they would have been wearing three years into the future. It’s not just to pay tribute to the original, but to indeed go boldly with none has been before.

Not only that, we paid attention to the smallest details. As every character is over 10,000 pixels tall, many hours were spent to nail down the most minute features. Every single pixel was to fall within the lines correctly, and strict tolerances meant coloring quality down to the pixel level. And we mean it— whole portraits were re-drafted even if the fuzz pixels have a 5% deviation in shade, and whole pictures were completely re-drawn if even a feature was off by millimeters.

The Kayla portrait went through over a hundred revisions spanning a six-month production timeframe.

All of this work meant that every portrait is truly flawless— You might not be able to see it, but you’ll certainly be able to feel it.

Your pick— Should Miss Ferrule look at the camera or not?

Your pick— Should Miss Ferrule look at the camera or not?

The new DLC Page

It’s the biggest DLC page update in history. Everything is more beautiful, cleaner, and more delightful. No longer would you need to scroll through disorienting sub-sections to get to everything. We found a solution to all the files, and you need to click through it to realize it.

For the first time, the portraits’ design extends for the characters to interact with the camera as well. While the previous generation was unbalanced in how we handled the dynamic between the models and our cameras, the new profile pictures can have your favorite character face the camera for a closer connection in any app you deploy it towards.

Luna can finally look at your friends with her big, blue, adorable eyes. That should smooth things over with your frenemies and rivalries, if you are unfortunate enough to have them sticking around. We wish you the best.

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Rated E for Effort

Of course, none of this would be possible without the help of our artist friend Nenetl and the tireless work she has put in as we work together for a better experience for all of you. She deserves a big spot now that the transition is fully complete, and off-and-running. Every single corner of the experience is drenched in her style, which after two years of working (and counting), also slowly evolved into something uniquely Yellow Optic.

The Europa typeface honors the original Avenir in its simplicity and similarity in glyph design. Beautiful subtleties make for a design that is more refined, a site that is more unified, and a brand that is more consistent. You will see it everywhere you go— including some re-releases we can’t discuss right now.

The entire site now wears the proud Europa dress as this initiative winds down. We hope you like it.

We always strive to be uncompromising in every inch of products we put out. This update represents all of our tireless effort to constantly make it better. This creates a Yellow Optic that more people will love.

Irvine Banner

It’s been a bit since I’ve written in here. Turns out there’s this magical thing called “responsibilities”  and I’m not immune to it!

Huge bummer. Which means— for full disclosure— nothing much has been done. The writing part, at least. 

Other stuff that didn’t 100% need my effort I had a bunch of friends and staffers work on while I’m battered by weird things going on in my life. 

I promised this a while ago, it’s finally here: The Irvine banner that apparently a lot of you wanted. Here you go. 

The original file is like 50 MB and terrible for servers, hopefully this lightweight one will do. 

Find it in the DLC page shortly. Internet is irredeemably slow today.  

The March 23 Update

Optic headlines:

  • Blue Days will go through a rewriting process that should streamline its text and improve on its content. The new edition of Blue Days will be a free read on

  • Europa succeeds Avenir as new Optic font. This new font is flexible, beautiful, familiar yet entirely new, and part of the modernization effort. A dedicated Log post later.

  • Project Orange in the summer

  • Optic 2019 in the summer

  • Mixed Nuts Episode 8 starts in a few days, can’t wait.

Episode 7 of Mixed Nuts Concludes

This Log post will be brief.

Mixed Nuts concludes its seventh episode today - Leap of Faith is its name.

Leap of Faith
Everyone begins to feel the full impact of the situation itself and each struggling to see to a way out of it. Luna and Alex both put their own legal standing on the line in search of justice. Barry attempts to make an offer Miles cannot refuse.

Find Sectors 41 and 42 in the Index.

Halfway Home to Irvine

A major Blue Days update is today!

Unbelievable, is it? It’s true!

Irene Walker and Kevin Chase finally received their character pages - Click their names to go to either, or better yet, go to both!

This is only one part of the Blue Days renovation work for 2019 - But of course the four characters being rounded out is first priority.

Go pick up the full portraits at the DLC page. You won’t be disappointed.

Also on our Facebook and Twitter there is some Fool Me Twice shenanigans going on, but this is something you will have to look for on your own.

Deep Blue Sea

The new Deep Blue normal view.

The new Deep Blue normal view.

The previous stark white normal view.

The previous stark white normal view.

You people might notice a new color in the background that will hopefully allow the text to float better.

Enter the new Deep Blue.

This is a thematic adjustment after the two prior 2019 refitting of the Yellow Optic aesthetic. It’s made to boost both the yellows and whites of the text so they contrast better and improve legibility.

This improvement is also made to soften the eye strain that will happen after long periods staring into a white-dominated website, as what will happen when you read long articles and stories on the internet, which is primarily the point of the site.

Dark Mode remains as an option to turn the background entirely black and to softening the main text.

Deep Blue. Just another image update for Yellow Optic. In 2019. More to come very soon.

Email Business

This is an alert for everyone— people that like Optic, people that don’t, people that worked with us and are currently working, and people that will work with us in the future. This is for you.

Starting January 1, 2019, the old email will be deprecated. Which means we won’t check that inbox as much as we should anymore— but if you have that address saved, you can still use it. We are not canceling the account.

If you are sending us stuff and wish to keep a correspondence going through there, it is absolutely fine.

We recommend you use the new email address— We will be checking that all the time, and all new messages from Yellow Optic will originate from that address, so don’t think this is spam or some imposter. This is the real deal. You heard it here.

This is part of the branding thing we are planning for a long time, and having an just sounds better. No seriously. This is why this happened. It’s live now, so go switch over if you want, and the email address link in the footer will be switched over today.

Better things are to come in 2019, make no mistake, it’s still happening. But just the smallest of tastes should be in late-Nov 2018, right? Back to the meat and potatoes for now.

Thank you for your attention.

The November 2018 update

The title isn’t that important. Hope you people had a tremendous Thanksgiving. My turkey will filled with lard and that was it.
Anyway, some big announcements leading up to next year as well—

Mixed Nuts sectors 39 and 40 are finally out after little fanfare. Series is expected to wrap up early next year, and so is any major development on both Kayla and Alex’s respective lines where they star. You will still see them in shorts and some easter eggs (maybe), but I have something else in the pipeline I would rather my attention be diverted to.

Also a Mixed Nuts update, for every six sectors is a single episode, and the series is envisioned to end after ten full episodes, aka after Sector 60. That means we are now two-thirds of the way there, and if that is any indication, I can finally focus on my other big project.

Relevant link - Index of Mixed Nuts where you will see all the sectors and episodic descriptors, but only after a full episode has been released will there be an update. Episode 7’s details will follow the release of Sectors 41-42 around next week.

The fourth big project will be teased early next year. Why am I telling you this now? I honestly have no idea when that reveal would happen, how much details will be given, and how I actually planned to do this.

When I say “big project”, read “novel-length”. The shorthand I’ve given it is Project Orange, after Red for Fool Me Twice, Blue for Blue Days, and Gray for Mixed Nuts. The one detail I can give you at this moment is that it bears no relevance to Mixed Nuts. That’s all.

Finally, an item people care less about— A major redesign will also happen in 2019. And I mean major. Basically everything will have a slightly new look to it, so I’m very excited personally.

This Log post is just me talking about how you should skip to 2019 for everything to come to ahead. Would you buy a novel knowing that the sequel is infinitely better? There’s a marketing class based on that one case study, as far as I know, and the universal consensus is that you don’t talk about the future.

But here at Yellow Optic, we have time machines.