
She needed a break anyway. October 30, 2016.

“Do you guys ever feel bored?” Luna posed a question in front of her orange- and yellow-band colleagues in the break room.

“Kinda, I mean, we’re all supposed to sit and stand by.” One butler that carried hair similar to Kayla raised her voice.

“Just so you know, this isn’t a termination test. I’m just here to gauge reactions and responses.”

The group chuckled as Barry helped her with the notes.

“You should do more of these. We miss seeing you.” James was forward in that statement.

That sentiment was shared by the rest of the group.

“I get my one day-off this month next morning so I’m planning something.”

“Oh, Luna, don’t plan.” Nicole tried to wave her thought away. “You’re tired. Take a nap or two. Watch some shows, maybe go for a swim every now and then tomorrow.”

“I’m deactivated for 24 hours starting midnight.” Luna smiled at the thought of finally some down time. “Tomorrow you guys will pick up the red ribbon for the first time. All five of you.”

"That's great, but," Barry gripped his associate by the shoulder. "Where?"


Luna woke up at 4am the following day. She turned on the TV and left it reading through a few headlines, and let the lights come on slowly while she went by her daily routine. The wash-up, and then fixing her hair into position before bending them into place with a comb and a hair dryer set on medium. She tied a robe around herself in case she needed to protect herself, and went back to the main room.

She went and fetched her attire, looked at it, and placed it back. Today is the one day she didn't need to do that.

She pulled a teal tank top over herself, followed by a white velvety over-shirt. A pair of denim shorts followed, and she took nothing but her smaller wallet and her phone, which sat plugged in, its polishing black back bouncing light off of it. Luna pulled the cord and slid it in.

She took the elevator to the ground floor, and entered a room off of to one corner of the hall. The card sensor beeped as the door unlocked. Luna slid it open, and pulled her bike out of it, and tapped it again to close it.

Luna stepped outside, and got on her bike. Feet on the pedals, and off she went.

It took around two hours for her to arrive at the city, but the breeze and quiet made it worthwhile. The busiest parts of New York are already in full swing once she got there, and she stopped by a small restaurant to order a waffle split topped with chocolate syrup. She chained her bike to the door, and sat down. The breakfast disappeared too quickly. She isn't too unhurt, but she had waited for a while for a day like this. Normally it would be a chase to head somewhere else. But once she's done, she leaned back and checked her phone. There is no one to be taken care of today. Ready when she is ready.

She waited until her heart rate to settle. She hesitated to be off the seat until she made sure it went down. Usually she would have to hurry to the cashier, now she simply waltz up to the counter gently and paid the dollars that could come back to her via a benefit check.

Luna returned the chain to the store, and got on her bike again.

She found the teddy she wanted, gave it a hug, and placed it in the cart. One huge advantage was the lack of a need to push through crowds since she was so early. Paid for it at the terminals, have it tied to the frame of her bike on a basket she bought to support it and the various other items that she got.

A similarly packed lunch later, a trip to Central Park to unwind. Kayla might have been there with her in order to sketch, but it's a different feeling when she is traversing it alone. The wind is the only source of sound apart from the birds. No virtual time limit imposed on her. Casual perusal through the concrete, perhaps an unwind to slow herself down further.

The mall to cool off and close herself in something she might enjoy. It doesn't matter which mall or which store she decides to step inside, she only cared about the feeling when she looked in wonder.

It's been a few weeks since she ate at the small Spanish restaurant. Ate a rice, ordered a few burritos to save for later and for good measures, pulled her bike with her into the City's glowing night sky.

Luna decided to look at the beautiful cityscape one last time as she rode home. Those living or working here won't care an inch about her, she's left to her own. The lights blurred, the buildings ran backwards. Eventually the city dried up and she was left with houses and the meadows. The same wind breezed though it became clearer. Once again she saw the familiar lights.

The guards recognized her before she needed the card. The gates open and she gradually got off the seat. Her subordinates congratulated her on the bear and the well-deserved break. Anyone she passed slightly disorientated at the sight of her in street clothes. So did Kayla.

"Call me at midnight."

One carried the bike back in the back room. Two others grabbed the bear and the other stuff she bought back into her room.

Then the shower to wash it away.