Index of Mixed Nuts — Yellow Optic

Mixed Nuts Index

Liberated Timeline
Kayla’s Californian vacation plans goes horribly wrong. Alex and Angel are on the case to help her adapt to this new late-21st century world. Luna discovers her master’s pride has fruited into a fate they cannot escape.
01 - Coast To Coast
02 - Right Place, Wrong Time
03 - Circle Of Light
04 - Blast From The Past
05 - Full Circle
06 - Built To Order

Golden Opportunity
Kayla learns to adjust to an environment that is eighty years too early. The labs at her father’s company arranges plans to have her test their top-secret project. With Luna, they both begin to grapple at its potential. Finally, they move into a suburban Los Angeles home.
07 - Coming To Terms
08 - Automatic Response
09 - The Cubes Call Home
10 - Phasing In And Out
11 - Check, Check
12 - Warm Felt

Seatbelts Please
Close friends Kevin and Irene arrive to help Alex and his girlfriend meld with the visitors from New York in their new home. The ensemble of occupants figure on how best to resume their lives after they all crossed paths. Miles receives a special phone call from Reiner Drive.
13 - Intention And Purpose
14 - Downtown Downbeat
15 - Check Your Pockets
16 - Spare Me A Thought
17 - Special Request
18 - An Outstretched Hand

Keep Your Heads On
Luna attempts to covertly arrange a return to New York. Kayla’s father Ryan gives Miles an opportunity to come to work at the Circle East Coast headquarters in Manhattan, and discusses the project further. Kayla learns more secrets about the hypercubes.
19 - Incorrect Perceptions
20 - What Would Have Been
21 - Optimal Clarity
22 - Orientation Day
23 - Head Office
24 - Reiner Drive

Crossroads City
Everything comes to ahead as more people takes a peek at the project itself. Alex and Irene debate on the ramifications of taking on their assignment. Miles gain more insight in his new role as project staffer. Luna and Angel are both on the receiving end of some romantic dilemma, whether they know about it or not.
25 - Blinded By The Night
26 - Practical Proposition
27 - Small Loud Steps
28 - Ellis Island
29 - Blue Pulse
30 - More At Minus Nine

The Fourth Dimension
Hypercubes exert their full potential and changes the course of a number of lives in the process. Kayla takes on a disguise as a hypercube shows her her own alternate destiny. The two leaders of the Mansion staff exchange information.
31 - Never Enough
32 - Two Roads Converge
33 - Destiny Calls
34 - Red Alert
35 - A DIfferent Shade Of Blue
36 - Minutes In Minutes

Leap of Faith
Everyone begins to feel the full impact of the situation itself and each struggling to see to a way out of it. Luna and Alex both put their own legal standing on the line in search of justice. Barry attempts to make an offer Miles cannot refuse.
37 - Far Apart
38 - Give Me A Boost
39 - At All Costs
40 - Spiral Staircase
41 - There’s A Risk
42 - Proposition Call