Steak and Potatoes

An actual short story for once. March 31, 2017.


Irene drank out of her glass, and eyed everyone else as if they are trying to tackle her alcoholism.


No, she does not have that.


“So you finally got over it?” Kayla was slightly taken away by what had happened to every single one of them. Some of them looked over in wonder on how Kayla managed to take such a stand. You know, she’s quite the damsel in distress.


Something I totally shouldn’t say out loud.


“Irene’s a good girl.” Kevin backed the redhead before sinking his teeth into the fillet.


“I should know. I’m not dumb like a lot of people.” The rich girl flashed one of those rare, genuine smiles before retreating it back into her.


“That’s why we should totally have more lunches. Us three, talk about nothing in particular. Whatever flows to your head.”


“Surely not the beer.” Kevin and Irene shared a hearty laugh.


Kayla felt a sense of distance between her and the two again. They would proceed to tell her that she is always welcome to join them, but it’s still them.


“What are we doing next week? You people interested in steak and potatoes?” The open-arm attempt flowed back into her own benefit again for Kayla.


“Oh yeah!” Irene almost leapt out of her seat in excitement. “We can totally have a good time over at her palace or whatever she calls it— Is there a movie theater?”


The rich girl nodded.


“Maybe we can put some action-adventure sci-fi thing on.” Kevin pointed the knife at her to reference her mansion. “We can watch something like Eternal Empire or something.”


Kevin looked at her briefly before splitting his own plate up.


“You don’t mind, do you?”


“Might as well use it since not much use the actual theater.”


“Heh, this girl probably gets some film studio to give her a few screenings of their movie pre-release. Probably has all the bells and whistles too, like the Blast thing, and the giant screen with the motion particles—“


“I have no idea what you people are talking about.”


The two stared at her as if she said something completely insane, then they looked at each other, silently reached an internal conclusion, and appointed Kevin as the diplomatic agent.

“We’re just asking if you have the best stuff.”


“Is that even a question?” Kayla didn’t even look at him. She’s too busy eating.


“Right, right. Dumb questions. Waste of your time.”


The rich girl’s head stopped processing what he said and kinda fell into a small limbo.


“Oh, Kev, she knows what’s best for herself. Kayla definitely won’t settle for anything less. She’s Kayla Ferrule.”


“Good point.” He takes a drink.


“Speaking of good points, are we still taking that train to—“


“Oh, of course! It will be an afternoon less lived. You know, I need to live for once.”




She stammered onto her own words as if someone threw a court order at her to wake her.


“Yeah— yeah, sure, why not…”


“Look at that! She liked it!”