Pizza Party

A short Fool Me Twice spinoff story about pizzas. October 7, 2016.

The party itself slowed down.

Kayla gently placed the coke glass back onto the table, and leaned over to her butler.

“This is not very interesting.”

“I’ll call up Miles.” Luna swiftly got up to fetch him from the crowd.

“Wait, hold up, I uh—“ Kayla infuriatingly tossed a cushion to the other end of the sofa.

“Hey there,” Miles smirked at her as he was accompanied back alongside the servant. “Someone’s a little unhappy.”

“Someone’s a little cheeky.” The rich girl retorted.

“Alright, fine, what do you need me for?”

“Notice something that’s missing over there on the table?” The velveted table had a few people swarming around its foil-wrapped boxes filled with indulgences.

“Pizza. That’s it. Everyone loves pizza. It’s missing over that table. That’s a brain teaser.”

“Luna, call the Domino’s hotline.” The butler dutifully put her phone against her ear after a few taps. “Give me the line. I’m talking to the operator.”

Luna waited a few more seconds before a lady answered reluctantly on the other end. “One second, miss.”

She passed the phone to Kayla.

“Hey, Domino’s. I would like three large pizzas, all identical.” Kayla put the phone away from her face slightly. “What do you want, jerkface?”

“Jerkface, heh heh.”

“I’m talking to you.”

“Let’s see, tomato slices.”

“Cut the tomato slices off.”

“Extra cheese.”

“No cheese on the pizza. I don’t wanna see any of that.”


“You guys have a pizza that’s just a bland dough? My friend would appreciate that.”

Miles laughed to himself. “Okay, cut the salami.”

“Cut the salami.”

It caught him by slight surprise.

“Is that it?” The operator grew impatient, evident in her voice.

“Shut up.” She muted the mic before turning to Miles again. “Fine, we’ll get extra cheese, pepperoni, and salami. But let go of the tomato. That is extremely disgusting and I’m not paying for that heresy.”

Kayla got back on the line.

“Extra Cheese Deluxe with extra pepperoni and salami.”

“Okay, would you like cheddar under the crust?”

“Hmm?” Kayla signaled to Miles.


“We’ll take that one.”

“Absolutely. Is that it?”

“Yes. Three pizzas of the same thing.”

The pizza delivery man arrived at the door with a rather tall heated duffel bag. Kayla went with her butler to go pick it up, and she was seen giving a hundred-dollar tip.

Luna took the pizzas to the tables shortly after the pizza boy left, and lifted the lid for the entire crowd to snack on.

“You all got Miles Hector to thank. That dummy wanted pizzas. I paid for it, though.”

Kayla sighed but she broke down in giggles when she couldn’t keep her face straight. They all took slices and engaged in conversation, away from the enclave of the table where only Luna and Miles sat.

Eventually both would leave the table for food and the table all go empty, and he took a few slices, all the way making cringe-inducing remarks.

“Thanks for the pizza.” His nonchalant snicker annoyed Kayla. “Really, I mean it, thanks.”

His face is still very much punchable as he takes a bite off of it.

“No, I didn’t order it because you liked it. I ordered it to make myself feel less bad about myself.” Kayla gave a sarcastic smile. “After all, I still hate your guts.”

“Not the phrases, though!”

“Oh, get lost.”