Blue Moon

So is it blue or not? We spend some time with Luna's eyes. Yes, it's that important. November 8, 2016.

“You look like you deal cards for a living.” Kevin teased the butler. “How’s your luck on the felt?”

“Um, well…” Luna stumbled for an answer. “I’m not exactly…”

“Uh huh.” He took a sip of his mug and nodded as if she is giving a concrete answer. “Of course.”

“Um, I’m sorry?” Her voice weakened. 

Her complete attention to him forced him to stare back into her eyes to make himself seem polite. The brown irises stared at him through a rather large window.

“I wasn’t really talking about poker, but um,” Luna allowed herself to blink while he gave an answer. Her pupils turned a deep shade of medium blue before that color reverted to brown after the eyelids raise again.

“Uh.” Kevin was slightly distraught, but he carried on anyway. “You know, I really like your shirt, and—“

The blue reappeared in one random blink again.

“And—?” Luna tried to gently guide him back into his words.

“And I think it goes well with your pants.”

“Oh, thank you!” Luna gave a short laugh before it faltered as she noticed him completely mesmerized by her own eyes. “I’m sorry, is it something?”

Her eyes stayed brown.

“No, of course, no, that’s stupid.” Kevin looked away to try and appear natural. “Do you have any plans with them next week?”

“Do you need me for something?” Luna’s pupils turned blue again.

“What?” Kevin whispered to himself. “Luna, blink again.”

“Okay.” The blue remained.


She blinked, and the blue is still there.

“Why are you asking me to blink?” Luna felt her face warming up at the slight discomfort stemming from the weird requests.

“I’m just checking the color of—“

“You mean the color of my eyes?” She looked concerned and slightly helpless like a pet looking up to its owner. She was instantly relieved. 

“It’s blue.” She smiled to herself in the tiniest bit of pride and to him after the bit of self-indulgence.

Luna turned to him with the same sweet smile and blinked again. Brown, then back to blue again.

“Why is your eye colors popping in and out between brown and blue?”


“I don’t know how to show it to you.”

“Excuse me.”

Luna walked over to the full-body mirror, and blinked at least a dozen more times. No brown shade had ever popped up for her.

“I don’t think I’m seeing exactly what you’re saying.”

Her blue eyes stared at Kevin again. She blinked momentarily, but there never was any change in hue. Her big eyes were somewhere to be lost in. 

Luna giggled and lost it slightly when he kept staring at it for about seven seconds. 

“I swear I saw brown. Do you mind blinking again?”

She did. Brown.

“A-ha!” Kevin leapt out of his chair. “ Go look in the mirror again.”

She leaned closer to the mirror. Blue.

“Hm?” Luna tilted her head, pulling her hand slightly back. “Step behind me.”

“Are you kidding me…” Kevin thought he was going insane. “Kayla! What color is Luna’s eyes?”

“Blue!” She yelled from the other room.