Private Jet

Let's use all of Kayla's money to her advantage. November 6, 2016.

The car entered the boundaries of the airport. It ran parallel to a quiet strip of the artificial island, across a series of idle of aircraft laying in wait until one needs them.

Of course, there are also an array of planes owned by individuals. Ones that feel the need to own their own flying machines so they don’t have to share them with a hundred other filthy people that may or may not contain an infant’s crying or two.

The car moved through the gates after the security checkpoint verified the driver, and let them in. It whirred until it circled around a medium-sized steel bird perched on a marked spot on the gravel.

Luna escorted Kayla off of the car. The rich girl looked at her plane, then back to her butler.

“You have my stuff, right?” Kayla used a softer tone with her than any other servant. “I don’t want to get to Nevada and then find out that none of my stuff landed with me.”

“Before we left, I asked them to haul them up. We have clothes, chargers, laptops and tablets, and I got something for the bathroom.”

“Are those loaded up in the backend?”

“Yes.” Luna giggled. “They are loaded.”

An assistant wheeled a steel staircase towards the door of the plane. Another pulled the door open as it coincided.

"Miss Ferrule, Luna," The assistant stepped slightly inside on-board.

The two rose through the steps as the butler holding the master steady until both made onto the plane.

On the plane were soft carpeted floors, a cabinet along the sides that were sealed by magnets that would swing out in the event of heavy turbulence but otherwise would not give anyone any pressure, brightly lit cabin with a 55-inch TV bolted onto the wall opposite the seat.

"Alright." Luna placed a laptop, and a soda enclosed in a sip cup to overcome the slosh. "Still."

Kayla shuttered her eyes, and Luna helped to shake and soften her arms.

Another staff member moved a chair for Luna to sit on.

The captain made contact with Kayla. "Miss Ferrule, just to confirm, we are touching down in Las Vegas NV."


An assistant ran to the pilot's door and gave him the heads-up.

"At your service." The pilot spoke through the intercom again.
"We'll be there in a few hours. Just relax."

Kayla flipped open her laptop to resume her session in Photoshop.

"Get the plastic ice." She held the soda cup high in the air for an attendant to go and change. It was returned to her rather soon.

Both the TV and the in-flight Wi-Fi routers engaged. The TV played re-runs of video game play-through with color commentary by her favorite creator.

Luna held her arm to calm her down. Kayla made a few deep breaths while adjusting the alpha of a layer.

The plane's wheels grind against the floor more and more, its speed picked up, until the bird was soaring higher and higher up in the air until her home state was reduced to small than that of a grain of rice.

"Miss Ferrule, you can take a breather now. It's high enough."

"Pilot, I need the ETA." Kayla exercised her authority again. "Get me my lunch."

"About three hours, madam."

The attendant hurried to place the tomato and cheese mashed potatoes onto her table in front of her. He flexed the aluminum edges, and removed the card cover to let it air out.

Luna was given a mini sushi platter with nothing but salmon and toro tuna.

The potatoes and sushi were near complete depletion as the Las Vegas skyline come into view. It was seven thirty-two pm.

"Miss Ferrule, we're in Las Vegas airspace."

Kayla stood up, put one hand on the safety rail, and watched as the plane droop down into the city.

The plane smoothly touched down onto the concrete, and as soon as its engines stopped revving, her friends walked over.

"Luna, get to the hotel first. I'll meet up with you at the lobby."

"Got it."

"Look who's here!" Jerry exclaimed.

"Oh, isn't she lovely?" Tyler, dressed in a fancy white suit dissed another girl. "Unlike you, lady, you need to learn how to dress."

"Aren't we all here for the same thing?" Kayla smirked as she stepped down the stairs.
"We're all just here to party."

"PARTY!" The group of five spoiled children raised their fists in unison, including Kayla herself.

"Come on, Kayla, you lost the race." Melanie threw a hand behind her. "You have a dare to pay!"

"Good luck, with that." Kayla threw herself into her own little community. "I will be buying off Trump Tower before that happens."

"Trump Tower is such garbage. Trashed their room when I left. Left some laptops for the bellboys!" Jerry pulled out his phone to show off.

"We'll see about that!"