Upstate Visit

Luna visits her family again. October 8, 2016.

“It’ll only take a few hours. I promise.”

“Yeah, it could be worse.” Kayla’s voice dipped.

“Don’t worry.” Luna pulled up the iron handle on her luggage. “I’ll go and say hello to them. They haven’t seen me for a while. And when that is said and done, I’ll come home. Come on now.”

The butler went ahead to pinch her friend’s cheek to try and cheer her up.

“I have another idea.”

The driver loaded up the rear compartment while the pair sat inside in wait.

“I have never heard of your parents.”

“Oh,” Luna gave a short giggle, “They’re nice people.”


The car slowly came to a stop as it arrives at a house. It’s a tiny, two-story cottage with a small lawn at the back. The doors open, and they got off.

Luna made it to the pavement, stared up, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the knock.

Her mother was a rather large person who loved a good tie-dye overgarment and bell-bottoms.

“Yes?” Her face was worn from the constant solicitation by Jehovah’s Witnesses. “Oh my god!”

She ran back inside the house, which cracked the daughter up.

“It’s been a while.” Luna’s voice game some commentary. “I’m always a little occupied.”

“Luna’s at the door!”

“What? Really?” Her brother in the back room hurried to hit the pause button.

Her mother re-emerged at the door.

“Luna, I missed you!” The mother hugged her daughter rather vehemently.

“Me too, mom. Sorry I haven’t been home more often.”

They turned inside the home, and met up with the brother and the dad.

“Where are you for the past eleven months? You can’t just make phone calls and not tell us, Luna!” Her brother’s thin frame held her extra tightly, as if she will slip away at any given second.

“I tried!” The butler giggled. “I really did try.”

The dad clasped their hands together before he shared a slice of the pie. “Working hard, is it? Don’t make us forget your face. Done well, lady.”


The family sat down at the small wooden roundtable, the mom peeled oranges, while the brother massaged her arm.

“I thought you’ll be gone forever.”

Kayla cracked a smile at the warmth, though she was at the door out cold, maintaining her own deep silence.

The mom turned to the door and noticed her.

“Oh!” The mother apologized while frantically holding out an arm to shake her hand. “Is that—?”

“Kayla, come in!” Luna turned to soften her up while the family stopped in their tracks to look at her.

“Oh my god!” They shook hands rather slowly. “We’re really sorry about the accommodations— We didn’t realize you will c—“

“It’s alright.” Kayla squeezed out an awkward diplomatic smile.

“Ah, truly a class above ours.” Luna’s father stood up to make way for her. “Please.”

Kayla sat down gallantly in an attempt to fit in with her freshly knocked-out image.

Her brother handed a can of coke to her. “Is this okay?”

“Yeah, sure.”

Luna winked at her with the expression that said “take it easy”.


The rest of the day was drained by their family. They swarmed over Luna with the food, and the recent updates. Of one week of which, you may have read about.

Kayla had no interest in the small talk, until sundown.

Luna hauled in the cargo from the back of the car.

“Here you go. I got you the pound of biscuits you asked for, you the shades, for some reason. And, mom, your glasses. I have to go now.” Luna dusted off the bag before picking it back up.

“Please, stay with us.” Her mom pleaded.

“I still have… a lot of clerical work to do…”

“It can wait.”

“She will kill me.” Luna let out a nervous laugh while Kayla played along with a poker face.

“Alright.” The round of hugs, and the handshakes.

“Your mom is way up there.” The drone of the vehicle started up.

“That’s why I had to come back. You can only imagine the high if I stay away longer.”