Attention to Detail

The DLC page recently got a few updates.

Those who know me know that I am notoriously anal about the smallest of details for some reason. So I might as well do it for the benefit of everyone.

The old Character Portraits are in JPG. Compared to PNG, JPG has only a limited color palette, which means that colors aren't accurate (according to my spectrometer), and a few edges are compromised by notable artifacts that makes the hue transition poorly in some areas.

Realizing that, I checked back with the drafts that were handed to me by my artist, and we re-exported the portraits in PNG. Those who know computers will know without me saying, that it resolves the color issues and makes the image look perfect at every pixel level.

Screen Shot 2018-03-09 at 11.29.02 PM.png

In case if you wanted a visual example of the change, the identical image received a notable improvement in PNG (right) over the JPG variant (left). Take a look at the improved color edges at the bottom of Luna's right eye, and the overall composition now more accurate than ever.

The new Character Portraits and Profile Pictures are live now.