Deep Blue Sea

The new Deep Blue normal view.

The new Deep Blue normal view.

The previous stark white normal view.

The previous stark white normal view.

You people might notice a new color in the background that will hopefully allow the text to float better.

Enter the new Deep Blue.

This is a thematic adjustment after the two prior 2019 refitting of the Yellow Optic aesthetic. It’s made to boost both the yellows and whites of the text so they contrast better and improve legibility.

This improvement is also made to soften the eye strain that will happen after long periods staring into a white-dominated website, as what will happen when you read long articles and stories on the internet, which is primarily the point of the site.

Dark Mode remains as an option to turn the background entirely black and to softening the main text.

Deep Blue. Just another image update for Yellow Optic. In 2019. More to come very soon.