I'm just as annoyed about it as you are.
Since the person in question thinks I'm full of crap in the DMs, let me clear up some ambiguous language.
Yesterday I posted something about attributions are handled at Yellow Optic. I said I made the terms publicly available. What said person called me out on was that "it was only done yesterday".
Well, of course it was yesterday if I just made it available online.
That is the same contractual and mutual agreement that I have conveyed to everyone of my second-party contributors. I said the exact same terms to everyone both in chat and in Skype voice calls. You can feel free in asking anyone from the /dlc about how I handle this, instead of making random assumptions about things.
Once again, I thought it would be better if the audience has a better understanding of what I'm doing. I understand that not everyone is 100% sure on how I operate, so that's why I'm not looking to publicly reveal them.
Hopefully this can serve as a sufficient-enough heads-up that I don't have to say it again in a text like this. Just because it's not online doesn't mean it's not a thing.