Publicly Available

I'm just as annoyed about it as you are.

Since the person in question thinks I'm full of crap in the DMs, let me clear up some ambiguous language. 

Yesterday I posted something about attributions are handled at Yellow Optic. I said I made the terms publicly available. What said person called me out on was that "it was only done yesterday". 

Well, of course it was yesterday if I just made it available online. 

 That is the same contractual and mutual agreement that I have conveyed to everyone of my second-party contributors. I said the exact same terms to everyone both in chat and in Skype voice calls. You can feel free in asking anyone from the /dlc about how I handle this, instead of making random assumptions about things. 

Once again, I thought it would be better if the audience has a better understanding of what I'm doing. I understand that not everyone is 100% sure on how I operate, so that's why I'm not looking to publicly reveal them.  

Hopefully this can serve as a sufficient-enough heads-up that I don't have to say it again in a text like this. Just because it's not online doesn't mean it's not a thing. 


Reiteration That Should Be Superfluous


I thought this was obvious. But I'm saying it again.

Some guy brought up the issue of crediting and attribution. So here is the policy for Yellow Optic since day one.

All works produced by a second-party will only be attributed when in active use, and after said period. If you pitched in something that I have only taken in as a candidate, you're not eligible yet because it's not an actual thing that I'm using to represent me, on my behalf, thanks to your efforts. No, it hasn't happened yet.

Though if you want a revision on your current attribution (if you find it insufficient or you're going under a different name), let me know. I will service all your requests as long as I can come up with a way to communicate it clearly in case the change is too drastic.

As a side, I will mod the /dlc page to honor the terrific artists because I love their stuff so much. They did not motivate me to make this post. The creation of this log post is my decision and my decision only.

I don't want to write such a serious Log post to begin with, but if it clears up the mess in anticipation for the future and puts less stress on me, I'm all for it.

Optic Go Home

I've removed the redundant Home link on the Navigation Bar.

Yep, that's all.

Because why would you want to click Home to go home when you can just click on the Optic icon?

That's right, no one.

I don't know why I decided to write this, but I think some people won't know.

Going Live

Who knew that watching someone else edit their novel with some crap jokes thrown will be fun?

Actually I don't know if it's actually any good.

I'm just saying.

That's right - Yellow Optic will be going live on Twitch - of all places. It's like the largest streaming platform on the world, but who will know about it, am I right? 

So that's it. Live on Twitch, today. I'll be hanging around a bit, edit Blue Days while you people comment and clap. I won't promise if it's any good. Because it's all subjective, really.

Follow me on twitter -

And this Discord thing in which I will do the same updating whenever a stream rolls around, and plus you can comment on my garbage! Win-win for you! I don't win because I don't gamble!

Quad Aces

I'm just bored one day, but enjoy this picture regardless.

For those of you who do know me in real life, I'm a big fan of poker, and this is quite the natural evolution.

Pocket Aces just means a pair of aces that you somehow have drawn in a game called Texas Hold 'em. Best hand ever. I chose that because, ya know, both have As for the initial letter, and they are a pair?

I know I'm terrible.

You can't tell from the photo, but this paper finish was glossy. I've had other decks made that were more durable. The 7 of diamonds in this deck was slightly bent on the first riffle shuffle.

And I might fix the Ace of Spades up... I'll talk more.

Change of Plans

First off, let me preface this by stating that this is still in its genesis. I have zero planning done for this.

I also would have to specify a few terms here. This might be a long post, so allow me to state that this new-story, new-character-cast, perhaps-new-universe thing as the legitimate "Third Novel". The crossover thing, which includes characters and elements from both Fool Me Twice and the tentatively-named Blue Days as "Mixed Nuts". And yes, this is the name in prototype thing.

What I have referred to at the start as having done "zero planning" is the Third Novel. As I wrap up work on the second novel, I recently had time to sit down and flesh out my plans for 2017, writing-wise, not release-wise.

I have school. And if you live where I live, or you know me in real life, you will know how much school stinks here. It's a big doo-doo. Writing a novel, I can tell you, is intensive. You don't know how many times I wanted to quit even when I almost hit my goal. Still, I bit my bullet and went on anyway. And this takes a huge toll on me academically.

Now, I did manage to come through and see my grades go up, but that came at a terrible cost-- My health, and my time. I don't have enough of both.

In complete candidness, I have completely lost direction on what I plan to do. Sure, easy targets would be to accomplish a few shorts, and one can be pumped out within a lunch break of mine if I work in the pace I usually work. But longer works, like novel-writing, is all dead on me. Not the passion, the planning.

Until spring/summer season of 2018 basically school is firing on all cylinders. Which is expected. Now, personally, I do have high goals for myself and I would like to accomplish them to the best of my ability. While it is reassuring to say I've met these goals, I need to keep myself in play competitively. If you live where I live, again, you know the drill.

So likely, a huge chunk of my waking hours are going to school-related things. And if I don't get enough sleep, which is what I'm using now to complete my projects, everything suffers.

I do want to leave you guys with someone that you can read instantly. So, here's the titular change I wasted so much time to get to.

Refocus on Shorts - This applies to both long-forms and legit shorts that are 500 to several-k long. I'll continue to refine the Short Pieces section in order to try and re-package it a bit, but my main attention will be on short works now, at least after the completion of Blue Days

Change in Third Slot - That doesn't mean I'm giving up entirely on my novel-writing endeavors. I still love writing novels, but until April 2018 (the time of salvation and ultimate rapture as I call it) rolls around, it will be in low gear. And because I already have stuff planned from start-to-finish on Mixed Nuts, priority is on Mixed Nuts itself. I will be working on the third thing for planning, but I'm holding my horses in revealing anything on my mind currently, because, ya know, yeah.

The times ahead will be tough for me. A fifteen-month grind. In that time I could have written another novel, and no doubt I will. First draft for Fool Me Twice took me five months. But which five months should I pick to complete my third novel?

But then again, I might die of overworking and pressure any minute now, so hey, I'll leave this at the back of my head for now.



New Updates Thingy

So I've finally settled in into the new service provider. Here are some tidbits.

The Short Pieces section have now been completely redesigned. Now it's one single page you can click through. It's still a dropdown, so you can skip ahead to another if you like.

The Articles have returned. New Articles will be out soon, after I work out my third novel. Third novel, specifically, I will discuss at length in a separate blog post. 

That leaves six pages incomplete in its reconstruction. Don't worry, it should be completed by the end of this weekend.

The images are more high-def. I know, I use Apple things and they have high-def displays. But hey, it's not like your phone isn't high-def, just let me indulge in this 100%-positive improvement.

Also, yes, there's a store. Give me money.